Frequently Asked Questions

How Do I Apply?

Start your application here

Who Can Apply?

Startups registered in 2021-22 would be considered for this year’s edition. This is a regional awards program, open to companies from India. 

How Many Times Can I Apply?

You may submit multiple nominations for the same organization highlighting different innovations.

How do I Write a Successful MPS Nomination?

Get the attention of the editors and writers who’ll decide the 2024 honorees by following these 10 tips

Lead with 2023-24 innovations: Do not start by telling us your company’s history. A successful application crisply details what your company has done in 2023-24 to stand out in its category. 

Be specific: Use details to build a strong case for innovation. What makes you most excited when you think about what you’ve developed? What are the features of what you’re doing that your customers are buzzing about?

Demonstrate impact: Provide metrics—user numbers, revenue growth, customer satisfaction rates, and the like—that illustrate the positive impact of your innovation on the company and beyond.   

Connect the dots: There should be a clear, recent connection between the innovation and the impact of that innovation. We judge companies on a sliding scale of impact and innovation. Some company’s innovations are so bold that they don’t need to show massive impact just yet. In other instances, the story is about the breakthrough performance of a previously introduced innovation.

Frame your story in a larger context: We love a good story and a surprising, perhaps unsung, contributor who’s shaping the future. Are you championing a new approach to an old problem? Are your innovations transforming the way we think about a segment of our society? How are you reframing a civic debate about the future with your innovative products and strategy?

Finish the job: If you’re an architecture firm, completed buildings will garner more attention than renderings. If you’re a pharmaceutical company, an FDA-approved drug matters more than a promising clinical trial. In-progress ideas will certainly be considered but completing the work counts.

Give us a sneak preview: If there are new products or announcements that you know will be released before the end of the year that can improve your case, please share this information so we can follow up at the appropriate time to learn more.

Less is more: We know this is counter-intuitive, but trust us: Focus on the thing that best reflects how your company approaches innovation rather than rattling off a laundry list of initiatives that may not be as important. Including everything you did this year will simply weaken the case for the most notable things you have achieved. Bring your biggest ideas to life.

What Happens After I Apply?

Winners are selected by the editors of PRESS INSIDER. Entries will remain confidential and will not be shared with third parties. Category selection is for general guidance. Our editors may choose a different category if the entry wins. Categories are subject to change per editorial discretion.

All applicants will be notified via email if they are a Most Promising Startup. All winners will be announced on

What Are The MPS Category Definitions?

Click here to view all MPS Categories and their corresponding definitions.

Refund Policy: If you need to cancel your application, just get in touch with us by replying to your confirmation email or emailing us at . All sales are final. Refunds are not available but you can receive an application credit if cancelled before the final deadline. 

Have any questions or concerns?  Email the Most Promising StartupsTeam at 

Click the following to apply to 2024 Most Promising Startups